

Our CSR approach

As a committed company, we value social and environmental responsibility towards our employees, our ecosystem and our environment.
We adhere to the recommendations of the ISO 26000 standard, which sets out the main principles of CSR commitment.

Ecological commitment

> Development of Eco-TIC technologies (Ecotechnique contributing to sustainable development): dematerialization of documents to save paper, digital processing and communication of information, etc.

> Internal energy-saving policy (telecommuting, travel optimization, audio-conferencing, online demonstrations, green and local energy, etc.)

> An initiative to reduce our carbon footprint (we carry out an annual carbon audit of our entire value chain).

Commitment to employees and the community

> Signatory of the Diversity Charter: respect and consideration for everyone’s differences (age, gender, origin, disability…).

> Social policy(salary representation and equity, individual social reports, teleworking, etc.)

> Regular training and development of employee skills

>SIDERAL project: management favoring employee autonomy and empowerment

> Label Empl’itude: actions in favor of professional integration and employment