

Hosting (Saas)

DIGITECH offers its software solutions not only in On Premise mode, but also in Saas mode (Software as a Service). Solutions are hosted on servers located in France and managed by DIGITECH.

SaaS services offer many advantages for organizations:
  • Customers don’t need to invest in expensive servers or manage the associated infrastructure.
  • Users can access hosted applications from any location with an Internet connection, offering great flexibility, mobility and collaboration for delocalized entities.
  • Our “Infrastructure and Networks” team manages software updates, ensuring that users always benefit from the latest features and security patches without having to carry out manual updates.
  • Costs are based on a subscription model, which can be more cost-effective in the long term.
  • SaaS solutions are automatically upgraded by our teams.
  • Maintenance tasks, such as data backup, security management and system monitoring, are handled by DIGITECH, relieving the workload on in-house IT teams.

A strategic alliance for sustainable performance

DIGITECH has chosen to adopt the Nutanix on Ars/OVHcloud hybrid multichannel solution. This strategic decision reinforces DIGITECH’s commitment to innovation, sustainability and safety.

Sovereignty, safety, sustainability

By opting for OVHcloud, DIGITECH ensures that its infrastructure is hosted in a sovereign, controlled environment, guaranteeing the security of its data. Reduced management time thanks to a secure virtual infrastructure enhances operational efficiency.

Certified safety and standards

As OVHcloud’s datacenters are ISO 270001/27017/27018 certified, DIGITECH has access to high security standards, reinforcing the protection of the most sensitive and demanding data.

Improved backup processes

DIGITECH has optimized its backup processes, guaranteeing the continuity of its activities and those of its customers, and the preservation of their data. This improvement contributes directly to the reliability of its services, notably its Business Continuity Planning offer, and to the protection of information managed in its applications.

Environmental commitment: reducing our carbon footprint

The use of OVHcloud servers is fully in line with DIGITECH’s efforts to control its carbon footprint. This partnership reflects a shared commitment to reducing environmental impact, aligning our values with a responsible approach.

Support from ARS: advice, support, experience, responsiveness

The implementation of this new solution was facilitated by the effective support provided by the ARS team. Their sound advice, solid support, proven experience and responsiveness, reinforced by their geographical proximity, greatly facilitated this transition.

Disaster recovery plan (DRP)

DIGITECH offers a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) to help organizations protect themselves against business interruption due to potential threats such as hardware failure, natural disasters or cyber attacks. The aim of the DRP strategy is to implement preventive and mitigating measures in the face of potential risks, in consultation with the customer and in line with its specific operating requirements.

In the event of an incident, the implementation of a Disaster Recovery Plan strategy will enable :

  • Minimize downtime and quickly restore service continuity
  • Backup and recovery of critical data
  • Meet legal and regulatory requirements relating to data protection
  • Maintain confidence in the IT system by strengthening its ability to resume operations quickly
  • Optimize IT resources by planning and prioritizing recovery activities.

All our services


Change management


Customer support

A dematerialization project?