
Public administration mapping

Discover our solutions for implementing modernization strategies in public administrations and government services.


Asset mapping and improvement plan

The E-Map software application is designed to modernize the Global System of public administrations by mapping their assets in areas such as civil status, health, education, justice, as well as state assets, real estate and infrastructure. In compliance with GPRD standards, E-Map collects, centralizes, exploits and analyzes data, providing administrations with a tool to define and implement their improvement plans.

Benefits and features

E-Map benefits include optimization of data collection organization and monitoring from a Geographic Information System (GIS), the ability to transfer and process information even in areas with poor connectivity, comprehensive data visualization thanks to open source Business Intelligence (BI) and GIS software, and an exhaustive inventory of public administration assets.
E-Map’s customizable features include route management, agent registration, tour planning and tracking, mission statement for agents, multi-channel data collection via an Android mobile app. E-Map also offers paper form production, data centralization and processing with automatic and manual quality control, data analysis and reporting with statistics, indicators and map visualization.


Enhanced connectivity

Be-Bound is an innovative connectivity solution that solves the challenge of communicating in remote areas with weak or non-existent Internet connections. This technology uses a set of encoding and compression algorithms to reduce data size, enabling applications to operate on low-capacity mobile networks, or even without the Internet using the GSM local area network (SMS).

Benefits and features

Benefits include seamless connectivity over various networks (Wi-Fi, 5G, 4G, 3G, GSM), VPN-style security to ensure data confidentiality, and enhanced performance thanks to data optimization. Be-Bound can be integrated into a wide range of professional applications, such as healthcare, registry offices, childcare services, etc.
The Be-Bound platform is based on two main components: the Be-Bound SDK for integration into mobile applications, and the Be-Bound Server (cloud or on-premise) for managing telecom operators. Data is optimized, encrypted and sent via the best available network, with intelligent connection management, notably via the GSM network. Finally, the request is processed by the application server after identification, decoding and decompression of the data.