
Statistics and Business Intelligence

Discover our answers to the challenges of information management.

The Statistics and Business Intelligence modules meet the crucial challenge of making the most of data. They can be used to transform information into actionable intelligence for informed decision-making and optimized organizational performance.

Statistics and Business Intelligence module

Integrating a statistics and Business Intelligence module into an organization’s Information System offers a powerful set of tools to maximize the use of data, and help determine the policies of public bodies and the development strategies of companies.

The statistics and BI modules enable you to collect, analyze and visualize relevant data to support informed decision-making, based on up-to-date, accurate information.

In fact, the analyses produced can be used to identify opportunities for optimizing internal processes and improving resource allocation.

The effectiveness of programs implemented, services rendered or performance in relation to objectives can be assessed using key evaluation and monitoring indicators.

Both public and private organizations are subject to strict regulations on data collection and processing, and BI modules can help generate reports in compliance with these regulations.

Internationally, the data collection and analysis systems in place, particularly in the health, education and transport sectors, enable us to identify areas for improvement, and thus optimize the services we deliver to our customers.

Digitech supports you

DIGITECH offers Master Data Management, Data Analytics (DINA) and Business Intelligence (ARCADE BI) solutions to meet these challenges.