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Recruitment process

Recruitment process

The response time to an application after receipt of CVs is less than a week.

If the recruiter (department manager, division director, etc.) is interested in the application, contact is made by telephone or e-mail to let him/her know that the profile has caught his/her attention, to validate that the candidate is still interested in the position, providing further details if necessary, and to arrange an initial interview. This is usually done face-to-face, but can also be done by videoconference (depending on the candidate’s geographical location). Applicants whose CVs have not been selected are informed accordingly.

First Interview

The first interview is usually conducted by the department or division manager, who may be accompanied by a colleague.
The interviewer introduces Digitech, its business, values and culture, as well as the position and project to which the recruitment applies.
Candidates present their skills and experience, their motivation for the position and for joining the company. The aim of this first interview is to assess the suitability of the candidate’s profile for the proposed position, in terms of both know-how and interpersonal skills.

Depending on the profile sought, candidates may be asked to take a technical test at this stage to validate their skills, or during a second interview.

Second interview

If this first interview is positive, a second interview is scheduled, usually within a week, with the manager and the management team (division management or general management).
During these first interviews, the interviewer will generally show you around the premises, the sports and leisure facilities, the cafeteria, etc., which are available to employees, as well as the places where the candidate will be working if he or she is recruited.


In the case of Customer Service recruitment, the candidate is immersed in the department for ½ day to get a first contact with the employees and understand how it works. This allows us to validate the candidate’s interest, as well as the employees’ feelings.
Following the final interview, the successful candidate receives a reply within a week or so.
An offer of employment was made, including salary conditions and the various benefits on offer. Once the application has been accepted, the person recruited receives a promise of employment, specifying the job profile, salary and start date.

Integration process

The newcomer is met on arrival by the person in charge. He or she will be put in touch with the administrative (delivery of documents such as employment contract, health insurance, IT charter, etc.) and technical (computer, telephone, access badge, etc.) departments.

His manager takes him on a tour of the company, introducing him to every member of staff. A schedule is drawn up so that each manager can present the workings of his or her department. The marketing/communication department also provides a detailed presentation of the company, its organization, organization chart, products, customers, values, management style, the SIDERAL project and Digitech’s CSR commitments.
A specific platform has been developed to support new employees. It includes all the essential information you need to know, including a photo gallery, online training (e-learning on our business), a company news feed and a section containing useful documents for new arrivals.

They are then trained in procedures and the use of internal tools.
As part of his job, he receives training from experts in his department, according to a set schedule. The training can be supplemented by a progressive real-life experience (e.g. in a customer environment) with those accompanying the trainee.

Regular monitoring of integration is carried out by the manager, or his or her colleagues depending on the department concerned. Trial periods are generally renewed once (twice 4 months for executives and twice 2 months for non-executives). Finally, before the end of the probationary period, a review is carried out with the newcomer to validate his or her definitive recruitment.