
Change Mangement

Discover our change management strategies.

Accompanying Change Management (ACC)

The success of a dematerialization project depends not only on the technological value of the product implemented, but also on how people within the organization react to, adapt to and adopt these changes.
DIGITECH offers a strategic approach to Change Management Coaching (CMC) aimed at facilitating an organization’s transition to process automation. The aim is to maximize adoption of the new software, minimize resistance to its use, and ensure a smooth transition to the new operating mode.

The objectives

> Understanding and assessing the organization’s specific needs in terms of change management.

> Development of a communication strategy to make stakeholders aware of the benefits of the new software.

> Customized training programs to ensure that teams quickly master the new skills required.
Identify potential sources of resistance to change and develop strategies to mitigate them.

> Set up monitoring mechanisms to assess the effectiveness of change management efforts and make adjustments if necessary.

The methodology

> Interviews with key stakeholders to understand concerns, expectations and challenges, and to establish an initial diagnosis.

> Drawing up a support plan based on the initial diagnosis, with clear milestones and success indicators.

> Use of various communication channels to ensure effective transmission of information and open dialogue.

> Development of interactive training modules tailored to the organization’s specific needs.

> Implementation of proactive strategies, such as individual coaching sessions and focus groups, to deal with resistance to change.


> Change Management Support Plan detailing stages, responsibilities and timetables.

> Communication tools to inform and involve the various stakeholders.

> Interactive, customized training modules.

> Regular follow-up reports on progress made, problems encountered and adjustments made.

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A dematerialization project?